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HIPS DON'T LIE! EASIEST way to stop sciatica and open the glutes

Read more WOOO! The figure 4 is one of the easiest and best ways to stretch the back and butt muscles. The benefits from doing this can improve your life behind the desk, add yards to your golf swing, and impress that special someone after a night of... dancing. for more resources.


back pain, chiropractic, asmr, naperville, glute, gluteus maximus, piriformis, ass, hips, booty, back stiff, tight hips, tight back, sciatica, leg pain, hamstring, golf exercises, football, stretch, dance, chiropractor, illinois, pain, butt, aurora, batavia, geneva, flowers, strain, sprain, disc pain, herniated disc, sports med, doctor, yoga, stiff, stiff hips, stiff back, health, health care, stretching, tall people, hip flexors, america, desk job, sacroiliitis, SI joint, low back stiffness, flair, sex

Eccentric Negative Elbow Exercises

Read more Train the elbow to relax using a slow release tip alleviate tennis elbow. Book Here:

People & Blogs

NO MORE KNEE PAIN; easy exercise to stop pain in its tracks

Read more Don’t let knee pain keep you down; raise up that treadmill, give this exercise a try, and feel your pain melt away.


action, pain, knee, knees, kneepain, weak, quad, incline, treadmill, treadmills, painrelief, relief, slow, nomore, easy, easyexercise, exercise, exercises, stop, stoppain, tracks, comfortable, speed, backwards, backward, activate, activates, activated, leg, legs, kneepainrelief, #action, #getsomeaction, #chiro, chiropractor, chiropractors, chiropractic, naperville, napervilleillinois, napervillechiropractor, napervillebusiness, napervillefitness, fitness, gym, gyms, napervillegyms, adjustment, adjustments, nopain, stoppaininitstracks

Toe grip

Read more Learn how to strengthen the toes to fix the plantar fasciitis. Book Here:

People & Blogs

5 MINUTE Leg Day Foam Rolling Routine

Read more Foam rolling is a great way to decrease muscle tightness, relieve muscle soreness, and improve your range of motion. Target each muscle group for 30 seconds to a minute to get the maximum benefit. Try this 5 minute leg day foam rolling routine as part of your warm up or cool down and feel the release!


chiropractic, chiro, chiropractor, sports, sportschiro, sportschiropractor, sports chiropractor, foam rolling, running, leg day, workout, workout motivation, fitness, sports medicine, naperville, squat, squats, deadlift

VMO Treadmill exercises, strengthening for inner knee pain

Read more If you have been experiencing inner knee pain, chances are you have a weak VMO. An easy way to strengthen the VMO is to walk backward uphill. Take a treadmill to high incline and walk backwards on it for 8-10 minutes every other day. Book Here:

People & Blogs

Door Frame Stretch for Tight Chest and Shoulders

Read more Do you spend too much time hunched over the computer? Try the door frame stretch to loosen up your chest and shoulders. This simple stretch helps to combat computer posture and alleviate strain on the upper back and neck. Try the door frame stretch today!


Tennis Elbow Stretch

Read more Stretch the wrist to help alleviate tennis elbow pain Book Here:

People & Blogs


Read more Strong glutes are a critical component of low back health. The stronger the glutes, the less strain gets put on the low back. Add glute bridges to your routine and start reaping the benefits today!


Nordic Drops hamstring pull rehab

Read more Doing a slow, controlled hip extension can help the hamstring tendon handle deceleration stress. This will make your hamstrings unsprainable! Book Here:

People & Blogs

Best Exercise to STOP SCIATICA

Read more The McKenzie Extension Exercise is an effective way to decrease pain associated with disc herniations, nerve impingement, and sciatica. Make sure to be evaluated by a licensed professional to see if this exercise is right for you!


Alternating Toes

Read more Awesome balance drill for anybody who is dealing with any leg pain. Learn how to strengthen the toes to fix plantar fasciitis, stabilize the ankle and improve your gate. Book an appointment for Action Chiropractic in Naperville Illinois here➡➡➡:

People & Blogs

Toes, Exercise, Chiro, Chiropractor, ankle, Plantar, Stabilize

Cervical Retractions- EASY NECK EXERCISE to decrease pain

Read more Do you spend a lot of time looking down at your computer? For every inch of forward head posture, the weight of the head can increase by an additional 10 pounds- that is A LOT of strain on your neck and upper back. Give your neck a break and try cervical retractions!


Internal Rotation exercise for shoulder and rotator cuff

Read more An easy way to strengthen the rotator cuff using it there a band. Great for shoulder instability and shoulder pain. Book an appointment for Action Chiropractic in Naperville Illinois here➡➡➡:


Exercise, roator cuff, shoulder, chiro, chiropractor, Internal, Rotation, Internal rotation

Armbar exercise for shoulder STRENGTH AND STABILITY

Read more Bolster your shoulders with the armbar exercise. This exercise targets the muscles that make up the shoulder girdle and works to keep you stable, strong, and ready for action.


action, chiro, chiropractic, chiropractor, chiropractors, shoulder, shoulders, shoulderstability, stability, armbar, strength, shoulderstrength, arm, arms, exercise, exercises, shoulderexercise, shoulderexercises, armexercise, armexercises, armbarexercise, armbarexercises, shoe, stabilityandstrength, tight, weight, weights, extend, progress, rotate, piecebypiece, upperbody, leg, legup, rep, reps, repetition, balance, helpful, easy, easyexercise, easyexercises, informative, tip, tips, helpfultip, helpfulexercise, helpfulexercises, helpfultips

Couch Stretch for Tight Quads

Read more A deep quad stretch to help with tight IT bands, sore knees, and stiff back muscles. Book an appointment for Action Chiropractic in Naperville Illinois here➡➡➡:


Couch, Stretch, Quads, Exercise, Tight, IT band, Quad Stretch, Sore knees, Stiff Back

Lunge for Hip Flexor Stretch

Read more A variation of the Warrior yoga poses to help With stiff neck flexor muscles. A great and simple stretch for low back pain. Book an appointment for Action Chiropractic in Naperville Illinois here➡➡➡:


EASY shoulder stretch to put shoulder pain TO SLEEP

Read more Put shoulder pain to sleep with the sleeper stretch! Rotator cuff tendinopathy causes pain and discomfort in the shoulder, try this stretch and get back in the gym!


shoulder, shoulders, shoulderstretches, stretch, stretches, shoulderpainrelief, pain, painrelief, fitness, friend, friends, rotatorcuff, rotatorcuffs, exercise, exercises, elbow, elbows, elbowpain, relief, repeat, relax, action, chiro, chiropractor, chiropractors, chiropractic, naperville, sportchiro, tough, buff, lay, nap, side, shoulderpain, elbowpainrelief, conquer, rotatorcuffexercise, rotatorcuffexercises, sportschiropractic, active, moving, easy, workout, workouts, help, quick, fast, athome

EASY ankle mobilization, eliminate pain and MOVE BETTER

Read more Call a mulligan on ankle pain and stiffness! Try these stretches to help get your ankles moving properly and save your knees, hips, and low back.


ankle, ankles, anklepain, pain, joint, joints, jointpain, mobility, anklemobility, stretch, stretches, muscle, muscles, musclepain, important, easy, knee, kneepain, action, getsomeaction, knees, painrelief, lowback, lowerback, back, dorsiflexion, shin, shins, mulligan, mulligans, mulliganstechnique, mulligansstretch, calf, calves, technique, techniques, informative, stiffness, helpful, force, major, chiro, chiropractor, chiropractic, chiropractors, sportchiro, napervillechiropractor, naperville, napervilleillinois, fitness, gym, gyms, adjustment

Side body twist (great for tight lats and obliques)

Read more Effective stretch for the side of your body, or when your shoulders get tight from working at a desk. Check us out in Naperville. Book online at! Grab a door frame with your thumbs down and sink down. Twist your body by using your free hand to grab your foot. Feel the the release for 30 seconds and repeat as necessary.


Chiropractor, Naperville, Stretching, shoulder stretch, shoulder pain, neck pain, back pain, aurora, wheaton, destress, mobility, action, chiropractic, physical therapy, massage

Easiest Way to Release Upper Back and Shoulders

Read more How's it Hanging? If you have tight shoulders and a stiff upper back from working at a desk or just being taller than everybody else, monkey around with this exercise. 1. Find a pull up bar or even a door frame and grab on. BOOM-that's it! hold on and try to get to at least a minute. 2. Start adding leg movement. Try running in place and alternate raising your knees to your chest. Then try doing both at the same time. 3. Once you master, try getting your toes to the bar. This is an excellent core workout and can easily be achieved if your a high school gymnast. 4. Finally, if you are looking for a challenge or you want to channel your inner Cliffhanger, try holding on to the bar with one hand. Surprisingly difficult.


shoulder pain, shoulder stiff, back pain, back stiff, back ache, chiropractor, stretch, shoulder, cliffhanger, core exercises, core stability, rotator cuff, shoulder impingement, biceps, arms, exercise, yoga, gymnastic, tall, desk work, neck pain, cervicalgia, pain, naperville, aurora, illinois, batavia, geneva, health, health care, sports, sports injury, sports med, baseball, football, basketball, hurling, gymnastics, cheer, cheerleading, doctor, asmr, lats, traps, monkey, hanging, chin up, pull up, lat pull

Biceps stretch using a door frame

Read more Great stretch for biceps pain from strain and overuse and misuse. Tuck your thumb and put it against something stable like a door or pole. Turn your body until you feel the stretch. Feel free to adjust the hand to get the best stretch possible. If in Naperville, book online at


Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, Neck pain, Shoulder pain, stretch, Biceps, Action, Chiro

Squat Mechanics

Read more A quick tutorial and how to properly squat. You can grab something straight and put it over head and sit down in a chair to determine where your squat is deficient. If you're a Naperville, you can book online it take


Chiropractic, Action, Chiro, Squat, Mechanics, Chair squat, Hips

Great exercise for core STRENGTH AND STABILITY

Read more Core stability and shoulder mobility are vitally important for both sports and general day to day life. The bird dog, or quadruped stability exercise, is a great way to strengthen your core and get your shoulders moving!


stretch, stretches, action, chiro, chiropractor, chiropractic, chiropractors, sportschiro, pain, relief, painrelief, exercise, exercises, workout, workouts, help, helpful, informative, resource, resources, core, stability, corestability, shoulder, shoulders, shouldermobility, mobility, quadrupedstability, quadruped, quadrupedexercise, quadrupedexercises, vital, sport, sports, life, reallife, birddog, bird, dog, birddogexercise, birddogexercises, fitness, athome, athomestretches, rep, reps, ball, ballexercise, ballexercises, fit, easy, strength

Diaphragm Activation

Read more This video shows how to activate your diaphragm using a 10 pound weight. Very useful for people who have pain when running or can't get deep breaths with exertion. Book online at


Chiro, Chiropractic, Breathing, Lungs, Activation, Active, Action, Action Chiropractic, Diaphragm, Stretch

HIPS DON’T LIE! TOP 10 Hip Movements to keep you STRONG, STABLE, AND MOBILE

Read more Don’t let your hips lie to you! Add these 10 moves to your exercise routine and keep your hips ready for action!


chiropractic, chiropractor, chiro, sports, sports chiropractic, sports medicine, hips, leg day, fitness, stretch, naperville, action, legs, mobility, stability, strength, gym, gym motivation, fitness motivation, exercise, top 10, naperville chiro, naperville chiropractor

Wrist Extensor Stretch

Read more A simple stretch to alleviate tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis. Book online at


chiropractic, naperville, tennis, elbow pain, illinois, tennis elbow, grip, therapy, stretch

Wrist Flexor Stretch

Read more An easy stretch to relieve carpal tunnel and golfer's elbow pain. Book online at


chiropractor, chiropractic, naperville, illinois, wrist pain, carpal tunnel, golf, golfers elbow, sports, sports injurt, stretching, forearm pain

Like BATMAN for your BICEPS, easy way to save your arms' day

Read more Bust this stretch out of your utility belt to loosen up both your arms and shoulders after a hard day (or night) of being a boss or a crime fighter.


arm pain, chiropractic, chiropractor, physical therapy, pt, arms, exercise, biceps, guns, batman, stretch, neck pain, shoulder pain, desk, desk job, working, hero, naperville, illinois, dupage, chiro, crack, asmr, release, massage, pain, pain relief, arm ache, arm stiff, stiff arm, throwing, SLAP tear, labrum, gym, workout, amateur, gun show, utility, bad lighting, shadow, shadows

TOP 10 Functional Shoulder Movements for STABILITY, MOBILITY, and STRENGTH

Read more The shoulder joint needs to be both strong and stable, but also needs to be able to move through a functional range of motion. Our top 10 shoulder exercises focus on both stability and mobility and work to keep your shoulders healthy. Try these exercises and see how your shoulders measure up!


chiropractic, sports, chiro, shoulder, shoulderpain, pain, fitness, exercise, weights, lifting, sportschiropractic, motivation, weightlifting, gym, stretch, routine, chiropractor, naperville, illinois, workout, training, dumbbell, movement, stability, mobility, strength, functional, functionalmovement, functional movement, sports chiropractic, top10, strong, fitness motivation, workout motivation, action, pain releif, relief, shoulder pain


Read more Neck and back pain can be incredibly debilitating. These movements are designed to get you moving better from top to bottom. Give these moves a try and feel the release!


chiropractic, chiropractor, naperville, naperville Illinois, sports, sports chiropractic, sports chiropractor, back pain, back day, exercise, workout, fitness, gym, naperville chiropractor

Williams Flexion Exercise for Low Back Pain **EASY AND EFFECTIVE**

Read more Back pain can strike at any time; be ready for it with the Williams Flexion Exercise. This exercise is an easy and effective way to stretch out your low back, and help reduce pain and tightness.


backpain, back pain, exercise, fitness, sports, chiropractic, chiropractor, pain, pain relief


Read more Keeping the smaller glute muscles strong can help alleviate a wide variety of issues ranging from foot and knee pain to stress and strain in the low back. Add abductor clamshells to your routine and strengthen those glutes!


Push-up Plus- Awesome Exercise for Posture and Shoulder Stability

Read more Why only do regular push-ups, when you can strengthen your serratus anterior by performing the push-up plus?! The serratus anterior is an important muscle that helps with posture as well as shoulder stability. Add the push-up plus to your workout routine!


AWESOME YOGA POSE for SPINAL HEALTH from top to bottom

Read more The cat-cow pose is a great way to get blood flow and flexibility to the entire spine from top to bottom. This simple pose is a staple of yoga routines for a reason- it works! Add the cat-cow pose to your routine and start reaping the benefits today!


Easy Exercise to Improve Thoracic Mobility

Read more Improving the mobility of the thoracic spine can help with posture as well as help to alleviate the strain on the neck and low back. Prayer thoracic extensions and thoracic rotations are a great way to improve your mobility and help you function at your best!


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